International Surrogacy Debacle Involving US, Cyprus, Austria

By on 10-27-2011 in Austria, Cyprus, Entitlement, International Surrogacy, Unethical behavior, US

International Surrogacy Debacle Involving US, Cyprus, Austria

This also involves Maryland-based Eggsploitation lawyer Hilary Neiman .

Carrie Mathews called the National Adoption and Surrogacy Center when she decided to become a surrogate and she chose  “a couple in Austria: Rudolf and Teresa Bako. They were in their 50s and had been trying to have children for 20 years. ”

The Transaction

“Mathews and the Bakos signed a contract, spelling out the terms: $25,000 just for carrying the child.

“They would pay us $2,000 every month [to pay towards the $25,000]. They put the money in an escrow account through the agency,” Mathews said.

The 30-plus page contract also took into account every possible scenario that could happen during the pregnancy, as well as exactly when and how the Bakos would pay.

The National Adoption and Surrogacy Center then recommended a fertility doctor in Cyprus, where they all met for the embryo transfer.

“They flew us out. They paid for the hotel, we were there for 17 days,” Mathews said.

Mathews became pregnant with twins, but quickly realized this pregnancy was going to be different.

“The pregnancy did not go good. I could not keep anything down. I had severe swelling. I ended up getting preeclampsia, which lead to HELLP Syndrome,” she said. (HELLP is an acronym for Hemolytic anemia, Elevated Liver enzymes and Low Platelet count.)

Because of all the complications, the Bakos doctor in Cyprus ordered Mathews to bed rest.

According to the contract: If ordered to bed rest “Gestational Carrier shall receive up to $250 per week for housekeeping and child care.”

“There was never any question with anything about the payments. Ever,” Mathews said.

On July 21, Mathews gave birth to a boy and girl. The Bakos finally had their family.

But the problems for Mathews were far from over. Hours after the C-section, she was still bleeding internally.

They said we need to take you in for surgery right away. I ended up getting eight bags of blood. I was in surgery for three to five hours and while I was in the operating room, I had to be resuscitated,” she said.

She spent 20 days in the hospital.

The Bakos took the babies back to Austria, while Mathews and her husband, Elbert, waited for the rest of their money. ” $14,077.46 still is owed.

Legal Options for the Surrogate

“”There are two main options. First is to start a lawsuit in Colorado. Obtain a judgment in Colorado and enforce that in Austria. The second is to start a lawsuit in Austria. Unfortunately, both of those options are going to be very, very difficult. There is no treaty between the U.S. and Austria, and in addition, as a matter of Austrian law, surrogacy arraignments like this gestational carrier agreement are determined to be illegal and unfortunately unenforceable in Austria,” McNamara said.

To add to it, because surrogacy is illegal in Austria, unless a formal adoption proceeding was done in the United States, the twins will never be citizens of Austria. oh-jeez

“I didn’t go into this to make a profit. I just wanted to help a family. I am slightly regretful but I brought two beautiful babies into the world and gave a family to someone. Perhaps I chose the wrong family. I thought they were right in the beginning, but maybe they weren’t. However, I try not to think about the finances. I’m OK with knowing they have a family now,” Mathews said. ”

“The Mathews still have not received the $14,000 they claim they are owed and on top of it all. They just received a hospital bill amounting to $217,000 and are unsure what will be covered by insurance.

As stated in the contract, Mathews provides her insurance and whatever her insurance doesn’t pay, the Bakos have to pay.

Mathews says the Bakos, to date, have paid her about $66,000: $16,000 of the $25,000 for carrying the children and the rest mainly from child care and bed rest costs during her pregnancy.

Mathews and her husband say because of the health complications and money they had to pay out of their own pocket, they’re now having serious financial issues.

The Mathews are still waiting to hear from the Bakos regarding the babies.

Neiman will be sentenced in December. She faces up to five years in prison. ”

Surrogate mother left with huge bill; babies in Austria
[9 News 10/25/11 by Corey Rose]

No one seems to care about the children, though. It is still all about the money.

REFORM Talk’s previous posts on International Surrogacy can be found here.

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  1. We understand that this was handled by a Dr Peter Hermann who is based in Spain … this man is dangerous and purely works for money and I would imagine that it is he who did not pay this woman.

  2. Thanks for that information, Anonymous. Often in these cases of surrogacy and coerced/trafficked adoptions, the health professionals involved are overlooked. I hope that this man is investigated. Have you contacted authorities in Spain about this? If not, please try. One voice can make a difference.

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